Dive Into Digital Marketing Right Away

Digital Marketing Career Blueprint Course

To get on a fast track to a digital marketing career, this course is 120% recommended. It will introduce you to the world of digital marketing & get you started with all the tools/resources you will need to be successful in kickstarting the career. Check out the free class here in which you will get an exposure to what digital marketing career is all about.

What I found valuable in the course were the following:

Only Practical & Useful Education. There’s so much to learn in the world of digital marketing but the course instructor Seth has broken it down to what you would really need to know in a concise way. It was really easy for me to digest. Also, he would go over how to get the most out of the course & that tip worked really well for me.

Resume & Cover Letter Template. With this, I was able to get so many ideas on what to write and how to structure my resume & cover letters. In fact, I was able to get a lot of responses thanks to the templates.

Strong/Supportive Community. I was able to leverage the community that Seth created with his students & I was able to grow and learn together with them. We were able to share ideas, experiences, resources with each other, and were able to encourage each other as we were all going through pretty much the same thing, which was a big career change…and this can be scary at first as you can probably imagine. I think what also helped was that we were able to endorse each other in Linked In 🙂

Instructor & Coaches Responding Promptly. Now when I say promptly, I don’t mean in 30 seconds or 5 minutes. I don’t even respond to people that early to be honest. But they did typically get back to me pretty quickly (I’d say it was within a day or 2 from my experience).

This Digital Marketing Course is run by Seth Hymes who has managed to help change thousands of his students’ lives including myself. Some of his students got results and landed their dream jobs in weeks! (2 weeks is the fastest one I know of). I personally got my results in 2 months, only because it was holiday season & many recruiters were on vacation (2 months is still pretty fast in general though, don’t you think?).

Other Resources to Consider

*Disclaimer: Please note that the links to the course I am recommending are affiliate links in which I will make some commission from the sale of the course if you ultimately decide to purchase the course after watching the free webinar (at zero cost to you). Other links on the bottom half are not affiliate links.
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