Digital Marketing Job Search Tips

Videos That Can Help You With Your Digital Marketing Job Search

Job Search Websites I've Used

CMI Media Group (Current company I work for is almost always hiring)

LinkedIn (This one helped me the most)

Indeed (I’ve searched around here a lot as well)

Glassdoor (This is a good one. You can also see legit reviews on companies)

ZipRecruiter (You’ll get connected to recruiters here mostly I believe)

Monster (Not a big fan personally but it’s a big one)

*Word of advice…If you’re wondering where to start, I would just start heavy on LinkedIn first if I were you. I was able to get my first & second job from there ultimately. However, Indeed and Glassdoor are really good too. I was able to get a good amount of hits from those websites as well. Or you can always message me from the social media links below and I can possibly refer you to one of the many positions from the current company I work for!

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